Monday, 29 April 2024

It's been awhile a month I think?!

 Hello everyone, I'm back its been a month and 1 week I think since my last post something happens that made me busy that I could even do my commission, a family matter is one of them and as 2nd week of April start there is also a sudden change in temperature and its been so hot recently that it drains you of the energy to do stuff.

Even just a few movements make you sweaty and even if you use fan the air it let out was hot as well so it really making me sluggish to draw, I don't want to even draw at paper because I feel the sweat will damage the paper...

But even so I still do drawing little by little even just a bit of progress is fine and that's why I'm here now posting again...

Frame drawing is one of them I'm still doing the monster parts drawing on paper I plan to scan the finished one and redraw them in SAI... but for now this all I have to post there actually up to 5 frames drawings but only 2 will be posted here and the rest will be on my PATREON, also this frame drawing are now also being used for thumbnail of some of youtube video that I recorded...