Saturday, 30 May 2015

Silica and Pina chibi PNG

Today's post is chibi Silica and Pina; oh well I can't make the image with better resolution no matter what I do, and this is the best I  can do so  far for this PNG image it's hard to clean this on one wrong % in the magic wand was a good by to Pina when I'm cleaning the bg image.

It was really tiring but the effort paid off I  guess with these I made another PNG image, well I'm kinda feeling not well  today so I might take a rest until next week or so but if I can I will do some PNG image and more.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Today's Post

Its Yune from Ikoku Meiro no Croisée, she is very cute and small! But I'm not a lolicon I'm  just fond of munchkin like her; that  was just a joke I just don't know what to write about from today's post so I wrote that.

Oh well, just what to do after this. now that I remember it I start to redraw the character designs I made last month I hope I could do it well.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Today post

I found a interesting manga and was reading it last night it was good the artist was the same one who drew the manga Battle Royale but with different author and the manga title was Black Joke I give it 8 out of 10 review.

Well today's post was another PNG image I manage to do a character from the anime Kara no Kyōka, Shiki; I find this picture cute but with its background I think I  need to make PNG image for it.
Also currently I was reading again the manga Vampire Juuji Kai - Fallen Vampire one of my favorite manga as well.

The image original BG color was black but I decided to make it a PNG image this image was really cute the looks of she was pouting and about to cry; this image really makes a good picture for server maintenance or even page error.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Lynn Minmay PNG

Macross I really like this series, on the very first time I laid my eyes on the first series of Macross; I been a fan for almost 15years I guess. Macross almost doesn't fail me even to  this day although the one thing I'm bitter about the first macross series and movie was the couple pairing I'm still  bitter about it remembering I remember the shipping that sink even though the characters look good together.

Tears won't stop as I remember them don't worry heroines for inside of me your ship was still lives on sailing; remake  I want remake.

It was really hard to make a png image from the original photo of this image the background was really colorful even using magic wand didn't make it easier for me; but at least I manage to make this png as I'm  a fan of Lynn Minmay.

Using different effects really gives life to this pictures; I wonder if I experimented more I might get a better result but there's more many things to do. I guess better try it one of these days there are more effect I need to try next time.

Oh speaking of it, I manage somehow to DL the Tears to Tiara game PC version and it was really working (I'm so happy s my effort  were not wasted) I will play it again later tonight.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Word Arts again

Well I done some png image project but for today my post will be a word art but it was just one I made but these titles came from game titles again from a cellphone game I think, I'm not really playing any cellphone games so I really don't know; but what caught my interest was the design of the game title the lettering that was used.

Right now try to dl Tears to Tiara English Patch PC version; three cheers for nicoblog for uploading and sharing such a good game I hope he/she have some Rance game as well. And hopefully if there are I wish they were already translated ones.

I hope when finished this four part download I hope it would work when I install it part 1 was 500mb so far the DL was fast and good I hope it would continue in this track; it would be better if I can dl all four part this day but if not I hope at least two today and two parts again tomorrow.

Well this is today's work although I did some change with some of the letters because keeping them like they were before will be no of use to me.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Kirino can't be this cute....

I found a picture of Kirino of Oreimo in google so i decide to edit it a little bit but I forgot to create a png image before I photo manipulate it; but still the set of photo's I have is still good I think but I wonder if these edited pictures will be enough after all.

Oh well, got to post this anyway on the other hand in matter; my hand is  getting better now I guess I can restart to draw again; thank god, and I thought the pain and numbing feeling would take more weeks to recover.

I also need to continue my research; but anyways I  hope this day would be good. Oh well it seems its going to rain sooner or later but that's okay I guess.

But making png image sure is fun though; but its kind hard to clean the edges so its really detailed work I think, as I been working on some of it. 

Well chibi Kirino looks cute, this photo  I used charcoal effect on it and set the setting to have this detailed png image of her's. I might look for the other characters of Oreimo; I wonder  if I can find chibi pictures of them.
The one one on top was the original  PNG image I  just recently made after I made this post I quickly take a look at my .psd file and saw the raws I made with her name.

The original image has a white BG with words written in pink color fonts if I remember correctly if I'm right as I check my memory.

 This one made with poster like effect one of my favorite effects as it gives a dark color glow in the photo; If I remember correctly I made some pictures before with the effects like that before and I always like the outcome.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Drawing Trials

My hands was feeling little better than before but I hope it would get better soon as possible as I trace problems with the Item and Item Drops sketch I  made last week it seems I made a small mistake so I need to scan evaluate my  drawing/sketch again.
Also right now after reading a new light novel that I learned about it spark once again my motivation to that project even more, and right now I started  recollect some materials for me to look at as guide.

Currently it my hand is still recovering but I hope sooner or later I could start to draw again as soon as possible; I made a vector drawing of a certain drawing I saw in the net last time  and I find quite interesting so I cut that part and made a png image from that  photo I would like to share that png image and the vector  image  I do as well.

Well luckily before this happened I manage to make certain pictures and projects before hurting my hands; it was really just luck but I hope this wouldn't ever happen again.

 This is the image I cut and cleaned to make as an png image and as well to practice my vector skill at Adobe Illustrator, there's more to this picture above but I decided that rest except this one was what I really need when I cut and clean the background with the Adobe Photoshop.

By using this cut and clean png image I can do certain photo editing for fun, which is the real purpose of  this image when I get this.

And this is the vectored image line art I  made with the Adobe Illustrator setting the background as transparent and not white for coloring  practice at a certain drawing tool as well.
Although its colorless I think it was good and all, but I know it wouldn't be better if  I don't add color on it and I decided to use SAI Tool for coloring this one.

The one from bellow is the finish colored drawing using the SAI tool but since the line was to thin when I'm coloring it, it was eaten by the color when I'm coloring the image and because of  a whim before doing that I made  to copies of the vector image from the one  above(the second picture).
Noticing that problem after coloring it with SAI, I hurried back to the Illustrator and drag both picture together and making it look like this; but I refrained myself for adding more effects or such in the finished drawing after all.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Monster Parts 3

Really  this is hard, my hands really  hurt when I write or draw it seems I need to stop for awhile on the hand drawing as it  seems my hands couldn't hold the pen quite right but if by any chance I  would dare to try it once to see if I can draw something.

This is really isn't good, why now of all times to happen. Although it was just an accident that made my hand hurt its still frustrating to see that for awhile that I couldn't hold a pen that long the injury is not really that serious its only that when I'm in my drawing posture the pressure induce sharp tingling pain in my hands and fingers.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Clip Art like

Another post for today I just did the vector at the Adobe Illustrator and colored it with SAI tool; I wonder if I did okay with this and I just delete permanently the PNG file I made for this what a blunder I made I just  realize it when I was  going to post this image.

But I have made others as well so wait for the next drawing I  will post maybe tomorrow or maybe later if I'm in the mood to do so.

I'm try to practice  using SAI I think I'm still far to use it but I will still try to learn it but I think if I have a pen tablet I could do some more of it.

Monster Parts II

Here's today's post, come to think of it I made another png images of some anime characters next time I will post them here; after I finished some more works with in this week or so but needlessly to say after making some png images I do some photo manipulation on it as well.

Well which I should do first after posting this, got to find something to do with all the pile  of drawing, photo editing and other projects line up for me to do. 

But  I have also have a problem since yesterday but today it seems to be more or should I say today I've really felt it; my right hand hurts a bit specially if I use it on holding pen and pencil my little finger along down it hurts and kinda feels numb and hard.
This is kinda bad because my right hand is my dominant and drawing hand with it hurting like this is kinda hard for me to draw.

I guess helping yesterday did really cause this as I move something heavier than a pen and laptop; I forgot that I'm not quite fit to it.
Can't do something about I guess I can try putting  some plaster on it later; but damn it really hurts when I try to write something with a pen.

This is it, the monster parts II the second part of monster parts collection I collected however with the latest finish project the parts III, I still couldn't make something out of them as I still lack parts to make something; after all I know it wouldn't be that easy to just put them together just like that.

At least I'm quite making a progress here; although I don't know how much I can do about this type of project as its quite hard to find inspiration for this drawing I think.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Monster Parts I

Today's post would be monster parts drawing part I well the things is so far  I've only done three of  these so far and I'm just going  to post one for today and another for tomorrow I guess; so far I'm look for another PNG image project to do.
Currently I'm reading Kobato. and really everything CLAMP have created was really interesting from Card  Captor Sakura, Tsubasa Chronicles and others as well were really amazing.

Oh got to continue on this one I'm kinda loosing my track, I need to get back on  the drawing right away after all there were supposed to be a ton of things to do.

Anyways were should I start again after this; with those work on hold a new idea for story coming to my head thanks on reading again about Kobato I have another idea, maybe I should start with that.

Here it is the Monster Parts its kinda cool for me I hope I could do more of this and maybe afterwards I could make a Nue or even a Chimera with all the collected parts I could make and draw.
There is still two more but got to post it later on, oh  I look at the time got to do something  at FB with the game I  currently resumed on  playing.

Good, this is good got a feeling that I might able to draw something later on; well see you guys again after this.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Character PNG

Today's work was a PNG image of an anime and manga character well it kinda hard to clean the image last night damn it; I'm not quite used on making PNG image with Photoshop. What I should do for next wait now that I think about it I have something to do.

This is really hard  to thing to do which should I choose to do, I wonder if I should do the monster part drawings; I can't recall if I ever posted here the two other monster part drawings I have before; well I will just look at it later and make a label for it.

What to do, what to do; Oh well I have lots of materials for the monster parts drawing so maybe I can finish one work of it today if I'm motivated.

 Puchidols, they were so cute for me, I can't find the others so I can only do this two, Yukipon and Miurasan. Oh that look I want to brush that tail. So cute, but she wasn't  real so that would be always be a dream.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Another word art

I've just finish this last night but it's quite fun doing some tracing of words if I can collect some more  of it maybe it could be useful somehow; although its really a tough time I'm still collecting materials for my item drawings and put on hold on the myths research for now.

Few more pages for the item research materials and so I could start to draw some after I collected enough items to base or use as guide for my drawings; really doing a concept art of monster drops or even misc items where also tough to think of.

Oh well, I just need motivation to do my other drawings I think, I'm just not motivated enough to do some more of it; but at least I'm on the road on collecting drawing materials and some story materials at the moment.

 Now what I should do for next drawing this is really rather hectic day; but I know I can do it so just wait for my next post.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Today's Post

Well how I wonder what I  should do for my next drawing for this blog; maybe I will do that project but it will take sometime I guess; and I can't say what will the outcome would be? But taking the risk just to have something to post is might be good as well to improve my skill.

The hand drawing was doing fine for now I just redraw some and transferred the other to one of my sketch because I think that particular item drawing needs to be move from there.
I guess I need to make another copy for it for the colored version of these said project; this really hard to balance but somehow I can still manage it.

I just wonder what I should draw everyday for this month because I want to post something everyday but it's seems that this would be impossible to do in the following months.

Although its been fun doing this for awhile but I guess there is a limit of what I can do everyday so maybe next month would be not a daily post for next time.

Oh, I know I will try to make some png colored image from manga or anime pictures to kill sometime until I can think of what to draw.


Sunday, 17 May 2015

I need Font Arts

Well I done something else today I'm tracing Fonts from different Game Cover with Adobe Illustrator which is Adobe Illustrator's specialty; I've already done one if I completed them I will rearrange the words maybe and use it for the titles of the drawing I made or even use it as the header of the title of the story I'm making.

The hand drawn version of the monster drops and miscellaneous items was really making a progress, and I'm still collecting materials for my next drawings, good thing this part was going well although I will still do the other drawings of mine though.

Need to finish this font arts as well it will be really needed  by me in the future so got to do my very best to collect them with any cause; today's font arts were I traced them to some of my favorite games before I'm sure some knows this titles after all.

After all the work, I modify some of it because some words were linked together so I separated them apart as I needed them by letters; although its quite a hassle I think I've done good enough for this one.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

It didn't turn out well!

I was making a trial practice of my project drawing monster item drops it didn't turn out well with the Adobe Illustrator maybe because I'm using mouse and I couldn't give it the shading, color and effects that I should able to give to it when I'm doing that project drawing.
Oh well, thanks to that I would now start practicing using SAI tool to improve myself on using that first I will make a detailed line art at the Adobe Illustrator and then use SAI tool to color it.

Don't worry I'm not giving up I just need to improve myself to do this also the hand drawn version of the monster drops project as well as the miscellaneous item drawing was going smoothly for now so there's no need to worry.

I will make sure to this and after I'm done that I will find a scanner to scan my drawing to be posted here after all.
The drawing was a failure but it was okay let say 3 out of this six was a bit okay but if we color it with Adobe Illustrator was technically failure after all I'm not that good.
I will try it next time as there are still some more drawings to do anyway, got to do it later after all I'm currently inspired to do the Monster Part drawings.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Trial Doodle

This was just a practice a trial because there's something I want to try but so far at least it ends to failure but still I will post these failed drawing anyways; I was practicing something it was like color effects but I couldn't do it with Adobe Illustrator, and I guess I have to do try on another application next time.

Or maybe I should look for Adobe Illustrator tutorials; also I start to redraw my monster sketch on my sketch pad to fill out the last pages of it; also the other projects will start or even restart later on after I taken a rest or two as I do not feel so well since the other day.

But the drawing materials are laid out now, but I'm still continue to search for more after this as I think I need more of them; but I need to put on hold the Mythology research I have been doing in the past few days.

The hand drawings were making a progress after all so it might still be still okay to have some slack with the other projects a little bit. I will still do some of it any time later.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Today's doodle works

Well I still haven't started to make the project drawing with my Adobe Illustrator but the hand drawn one was making a small progress a little bit I'm trying to collect necessary materials for this drawing after all; I'm looking the different video games for an inspiration of concept drawing of loot items or monster drops may look like as a basis.
I also look at the monster arts and study it looking for various things in it like what part would be become a monster drops or loots if that monster was in a video game or so; so maybe this one will  might take awhile to do so.

For now I'm still collecting enough information at the moment which is I think is benefits my project if I manage to find or collect some more I think I'm getting the hang of it. Maybe a day or two I would start working on it.


Wednesday, 13 May 2015

No why now when I decided to do something

On my last post I said that I have a new project in the making all though its on progress it might take awhile than I thought I'm kinda not feeling, my throat hurts so much; that's the cause of my fever this time. But I will still try to draw some if I can but I really feel unwell but I will try to.

Just why now that this need to happen, my mind was floating I'm really not on the right condition but I will still try to make some progress guys this is really hard; yet the hand drawn one I'm starting at it since yesterday although lets say only 1% progress so far.

Oh well, with the lack of materials it was still good that I can start some of it right away so I think that 1% progress was not bad either after all.
Today's drawing was an essential part of my certain work that was currently on hold or just making a slow progress but I think its good to have variety of materials that could already be use.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

An easy its hard to mess this up :)

Today's drawing which I was supposed to do last night but I couldn't do it because  I feel so tired last night and I went to bed earlier than I used to do; but it fine it was able to refresh my mind a little and made me realize a new project.
Yup, you read it right guys I have a new idea of concept art it was not really that flashy or great idea it was just a whim idea that came to me; the new project would be a set of monster item loot concept art both drawn in the computer and some hand drawn  I'm making preparation for the hand drawn ones already.

Yesterday when I was researching for drawing materials and ideas on the net I noticed that there's almost nothing about monster drops or loots that's why I decided to make one in this blog for future reference if it  was necessary to do so.

I've collect enough data to make a set of drawing but I think I would probably do it later as I have some things pending to do my research materials for the story I was writing was  on a hang but I need to pick up my pace so maybe later and I need to broaden my drawing materials after all.

Well today's post was rather simple could be done in a second or so it was just that simple after all, but I guess I need to keep this short.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Another Day of Drawing

I've brought out again my drawing book this time I will surely drew something for real even just a reference drawing will do; I just have to draw something there and here but geez it was so hot today what with these weather if I could just go dip myself in the bath again would be nice bath its not good for my health after all I get sick so easily.
Anyways I will do my next character drawing design maybe on my next drawing book that I have I got to redraw those I draw in the first one to give a finer detail and all.

Also I made a little progress in my story writing although it was another story project from what I  really want to do because of lack of materials  it was still okay to think of things and why not go all the way. The story was like a parody of Campione! but  I'm still beginning to write it so I couldn't post any thing yet but maybe I make a page for it on the other blog I made for my story writings but I still haven't put anything on it yet.

I plan to make another story about MMORPG as well with some elements of the anime/light novel of Sword Art Online, Log Horizon and .Hack also not to forget the manhwa 1/2 prince and Yureka they were great too. 

But this is for now my drawing to day is just a set of four rock pillar I want to try I plan to add  more variables to it but I find it a little hassle so I will do it sometime later if I pick up myself to do it, hopefully not to forget about it though.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Something to try about

This is just another practice drawing of mine, although its almost time to pick up my pen and start to draw again and I will do it some later on if  I'm in the mood later; but jeez I really need to pick up things faster or I will never finish anything I guess.
Really this is bothersome what to do there's drawing and story writing what I'm going do, hahaha; packed scheduled sure is a problem. 

But still there's so many things I want to but I don't have much time to do everything even though I want to do them, all at once, but in the end I can't do it after all. Although if I able to manage my time maybe I can do it half or even a little of it.

So what to do, what to do? Everything is good an its hard to choose; I couldn't consider anything I just want to do this and that; you know my hobbies, with very limited of time I need to manage it well.
Today practice was a stone wall, or something like that I forgot to polish some part because I'm in a hurry but I think its okay got to go every one bye...

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Another Tree drawings

Hello, Hello to everyone I appreciate for the viewing of this blog although I think all of the views of my blog were accident only because some search engines leads you here because of the tags and labels I have in here so if I disappoint you with my blog then, I'm sorry.

But why don't you viewers of my  blog take a look and see my previous works maybe you'll find some interesting concept art drawings of mine from my previous works; damn the sky is getting dark but there's no rain only strong wind; supposedly there was a super typhoon passing by luckily from what I heard from the news it wouldn't make a land fall, hopefully there would be no problems to happen.

Because of this the suppose hot day today seems to be a little bit colder than the other days before that it feels like I'm in the desert (although I've never been in one), I got many anime copies worth of two weeks I guess it would be fun to watch them later.

For now lets  go back to my drawing, I think these drawing of trees will be essential part of my pending project that has yet to come so look forward to it guys.

Oh yeah, before I forgot it seems the research materials about myths or what's so not were making a good effect I'm having a good idea for the story that I'm rewriting it was patching up together but still need more info.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Today's Drawing

Finally after a few set backs of technical problems I manage to finish my drawing, damn computer getting slow because of updates I think; just when I'm getting in the mood to draw at that time I guess things really happen when you  didn't expect.
Oh well, got to do what I got to do and I hope it will go well; I'm still stuck up at getting materials from different myths for my story and couldn't even make a single page or even words to put up. Geez this is really hard thinking of a good scenario.

I just watch the new episode of DanMachi although some part were different from the Light Novel still it was good can't wait with Bell 1-on-1 battle with a mino, oops spoiler alert I guess? well damn Volume 5 and 6 weren't still being translated and then the whole DanMachi novel getting licensed, ah the frustration and anger I have was pouring out.

Hopefully also that I wish they made a remake of Campione! well the first one was good but there was a bit difference in the anime last parts and now the Light Novel  was freaking 17 to 18 volumes now! that freaking long enough to do more episode or even to make a remake of the anime while following almost everything in the light novel.

Now getting back at the topic here's today's drawing although it not really remarkable and I just happen want to do it; it might come help full to me someday.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Well I hoped it went out okay

Here is another post, luckily I have to try this one I'm going to need  some of this in one of my drawings sooner or later so I need to do some practicing and I hope I could get any better in this, for what I have draw for now is a tree.

I will be needing in one of my drawings so I need to get better in it; there is still more to do and I hope I could done it all but I guess that was too much to ask for, so I need to settle down to what I I could draw for now.

Oh I need to do some researching again this time for my monster parts drawings as I need to complete my third one after all; its been idle for how many months as far as I now, at least I should make a progress on it after all its a value drawing material to no one knows when it would be useful as a source of inspiration for new designs and idea of monster mobs.

Let me browse on my Monster Hunter research materials as wells as my Monster materials that I collected so far and review it maybe I would gain some idea and inspiration in them; but procuring more materials seems the best thing to do first, so i'm off.

Cheshire Cat Line Art

I know its kinda late. I was suppose to do this morning but I suddenly felt so sleepy so I decided to take a rest this noon and before I knew it, its almost night time; geez luckily this hasn't slipped out  of my mind so I remember of  doing it.

Now what I should do tomorrow I wonder, oh well. Just let it be but I hope I could post something tomorrow; I'm still busy on doing research  for the materials I needed for my stories that I'm making damn it so many things to search about and to sort of.

Today's line art was a cute Cheshire Cat this is a part of  my Miku in Wonder Land drawing and I hope you guys like it.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

White Rabbit/Rabbit Line Art

Here it is the continuation of my Hatsune Miku Alice  in Wonderland drawing; something I will add on after I gathered all the necessary materials for this project; with just a whim I decided to draw this one although I need a guide for this bunny.

Speaking of rabbit, I'm currently watching and reading the anime and manga of Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka respectively, it was really good and I find it interesting when I first learned of it.

Also I'm still doing my research for the stories I will write currently there's more to the mythologies than I knew about, let say my knowledge about it was just still the surface of the book and I haven't even learn the whole thing, and there are more myths than I know about.

Just how many mythologies are there?! Base on the site where I gathered my information there were almost 89 mythology or more I think if I counted it correctly. Can I really do my stories or maybe I should start doing now and add the materials I could gather from this research.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Another Random Post

Hello, Hello to everyone here is my another post although its not really flashy today's drawing was just a trial and practice run for me; because I'm kinda busy on collecting data for my stories that I decided to rewrite again for the second time around because the first rewrite didn't come out right and I believe its because it was rushed and I lack the right materials on doing so that's I need to plan it more this time and put a little more thought into it.

Currently I'm looking collecting ideas from different mythologies, that's I'm looking at some mythologies characters in it, event and places that might be use full for the story I would write; but I guess it would take awhile or but never give up I know I can do this.

I will also try to collect ideas from  different form media information such as manga, anime, games and others and put them all together; although it will be hard to balance them I will try to do so as I think it was a good idea.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Random Drawings

This is my latest post for today, a random drawing that I do while using vector with the software I often use Adobe Illustrator; although I know its not really the usual software to use for drawings but this is the software I'm used to and using others will take me time to understand how to use half of it.

Maybe I should start practicing using other software to draw but I wonder what kind of software I should use; I do not know any other drawing software's other than those I already have. I have two others to choose from I think but I don't use them occasionally I used the Photoshop but the other one is so hard to use with just a mouse.

Really I wonder if I have a pen tablet, I wonder how many drawings I will able to do with it; could I make more drawing? or even draw a little bit faster and accurate than before.

I don't really have and goals on my drawings, I just do what is on my mind and that's all that there is to it so random even I couldn't guess what kind of drawing I would do today or even tomorrow, how many I would make or what I would make. I just let the idea flow into me, and drew what suddenly I think of.

After all I just want to be a free artist that draws anything that was on my mind to express myself; yet even I was doubting if I could even do that, as don't have any skill and all I have was my passion and love for drawing.

With all of these I wonder what my arts could reach, and I will continue to draw and as I don't want to regret about throwing the things that I love, but also I don't want to forget that only thing I was able to inherit despite with the lack of my skill to a  person I don't want to forget; that's why I continue to draw no matter what they say, I still struggle and pick up  my pen.

Yes, I do not have talent for it and I couldn't make a living on it but it doesn't mean I will cast this aside what I inspired to be; as I think about it I have always love to draw since I was young  almost my whole life I never said I'm going to stop because of what they say.
That's right this is me, the way I do things, the way I see things and the way face everything; just like that I would just come along with the flow and see where it will bring me.

Now I  wonder what would I do for now, but I think of a little bit of rest might help me; I'll try to sleep like a log  later and I hope I would feel better; I really feel so tired since this morning and because of that irritation was building in me.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

For Pac-Man!

Today is another great history for boxing, a big fight is going to happen today I wonder who's going to win but I hope its my own fellow countryman, Manny 'Pac-man' Pacquiao; although his opponent now is considered as well as the best its really hard to tell who's going to win.
Oh well, what would be, would be; it good enough that this dream match have come true and any moment now they would both enter the ring and its up to them when their inside and standing in the ring.

That's why I made a drawing of boxing glove for this day almost everyone was watching at their tv waiting for the action as it happens.

After what should I do as  currently I was downloading a psp game and while waiting I was playing MH to pass time I'm also considering on returning on my hand drawing as I stopped for a week or so now. I need to put up my pen again because I was looking for materials for my personal character designs this time I was drawing villains or enemies to be designs I manage to draw two or more so far yet no progress for now.

I need inspiration and motivation; and I know sooner or later it would come down to me on what I should draw for the later day.

I really want to make a Manny 'Pac-man' Pacquiao picture but it would be a little bit of trouble I guess also I have more things do I'm manning our shop right now so I can't really do something like that I need to focus for that.

So I'm doing more easy drawings for now; I need to make progress with those stories I'm writing about its hard to balance my schedule on what to do.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Another Line Art

Its finally here another post for this month; my drawing for today is a something out of a fairytale I guess from Alice in Wonder Land, Absolem that caterpillar that smokes. I  decided to make a line art of him of course with a touch of my drawing style although I wonder if anyone could notice it.

Yesterday I post a line art of Hatsune Miku dressed as Alice in Wonder Land; so I have this idea to go all the way making it feel like the Wonder Land. Though would really able to pull this off? This is really getting hard.

I need to browse the materials I accumulated last month and I wish there was something to draw there if I able to find something. Currently I'm into Danmachi Light Novel and Anime; and I hope there is still some translator left that was making a translated version of the other volume of LN.

Also I'm looking for a free download of Rance Quest, I'm interested on it I want to play it I was looking  but I still not able to get any copies even of any Rance game.