Hello everyone, we have a quarantine or lock down whatever you want to call it for a month and a week has pass after it was started but we still don't know if that set of time dated for it will get extended or not but as I see the case still going up the chances of it getting extended is higher in each passing day, although even before the quarantine or lock down I always staying at my home for years I work at home helping in family business, the only change it done to my lifestyle right now was that there are less customer and us thinking if we can replenish our store stocks...
Anyway I have more time to do some research for drawings and for everything else, but I have to share the computer with my relative who is doing her/his work as home, and I understand her/his work has importance because not only him/her but as well those who work under that company needed the data she/he is processing. So my time to draw in computer still vary on how she/he do his/her work.
Today's drawing (my commission is still going) is something I saw as I reread one of the manwha I read before but it seems that translation has stop, the title is Panlong or Coiling Dragon in English it seems.
It was something that catch my eyes but I will try to scan/reread some more chapters again later maybe I miss some details that I could learn and use for my future drawings like this one.
House 001 |