Ausgehöhlt79 |
It's been awhile again before I could post a another concept monster that I came up with and like the others we have here three set of picture of monster again; well I was busy playing Monster Hunter this month so my time on making the concept art for monster was quite delayed furthermore, but every now and then I still continue my research for materials and inspiration for my this drawings. But lately I haven't watch anime as well! This is really not right I need to assess my time, I need a time table for my activities but it seems there were times that I couldn't track time and forgot the things that I have to do.
Oh well, there would be a chance for me to watch anime again, and I just need to have patience so that everything will go smoothly without problems after all if I rush things over it would just worsen everything I've done so far; just be calm and I need to calculate everything there was 19 more initial concept to do for my 100 monster concept art. Simply after that if I'm in the right mood after this work I would possibly add more concept once in awhile, and therefore I need to get more materials when that time comes.
Ausgehöhlt80 |
This would be a hard if next month I would land a job from one of my applications I'm doing, (T_T) really although I really want to work, I need my own spending money now; of course I couldn't expect on leeching off on my parents as well on my older siblings.
Back to our main business again, damn so hungry right now! time check wtf it 1:30am I want something to eat, but I need to continue writing and I need to post this quickly as possible; damn I got so hooked up again and didn't notice the time, well guys right now I've finish on creating Ausgehöhlt79, 80 and 81.
Ausgehöhlt81 | |
Ausgehöhlt's comment for this post well what I could say, if I give I good comment it would looked like I was biased because it was my work; and of course anyone would say their work/drawing looks good or something like that, but for now for commenting; Ausgehöhlt79 first well it was likely my favorite in this post it was a bug Ausgehöhlt and it size well let see big as a car I guess, then we have Ausgehöhlt80 this Ausgehöhlt was standing with two big arms while the little arms on its body acts as the real arm for attacking, although it was like that if everyone notices that it have something like a spinal cord hanging out it was a parasitic type ligament that latches it self on a Ausgehöhlt that was the same size or bigger as the Ausgehöhlt80 to act as a lower body the size of Ausgehöhlt80 I would guess it was like a three story building and finally we have Ausgehöhlt81 this monster well how should I describe this red one is like spider but with for legs and it attacks was only consist of charging and stomping the enemy with its claws the size of this monster was size of a car.
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