Well finally, I'm able to post again something well sorry for the delay but my internet was as slow as as snail right now, that's why I'm not motivated enough to do anything, also I just finished playing again on my psp; Thousand Arms, yes that very game from PlayStation One, one of the best game I remember of course my top game was still Xenogears though.

Back to the topic need to do this quick because the net was acting strange again, couldn't play online games right now as well. Geez this really tiring, ah that's right I'm playing Vagrant Story another great and last game I think from PS One.
Character Concept 4, the name of the new character was "Gizel Winn" this my 4th concept for the this project of mine but of course there is still more but I'm finding time on doing it after all; got to go now guys I'll be doing my next art next time for sure.