Thursday 13 November 2014

Monster Art 12

Monster 061-Dullahan
Well I know it kinda late but for my Halloween drawings this what I have drawn this few days and I recently just finished all them; and I'm currently  busy with my other drawings and stuff that's why I couldn't make a full time drawing session as well as I need to use my computer moderately.

But well I'm already used to it and recently I came back playing Crystal Legacy again,  although my character was really left behind a really huge level gap; truly that's when happens when you stopped playing a half a year or so I think.

Then again just enjoy the game that's what it is all about anyway, I just want to find something that would refresh my mind even by a little bit and I think it might be good as  well to play the games I used to play before.

Monster 062-Degenerated Undead
Also I'm downloading some new anime that was being aired but some of them were hard to find because there are some copies but the files is to big!!! Back on the drawings I guess sometimes seasons also affects the idea of what kind of monsters I would draw.

And here are the monster with kinda inspired by Halloween, although it's a bit late of releasing this drawing.
Well while I'm doing this I'm kind of distracted by the fact Naruto has ended already!

Monster 063-Marrionete
But I need to continue to draw what I want there's no time to sulking on something that has ended already, but I'm kind of disappointed with the end of one of my favorite manga. Moving on forward maybe the Last Movie will answer all my question over the time skip on the manga.

Oh well, I must think of another monster concept after so I need to gather again some materials and put myself on the drawing mood if I can so that I can draw at least more.

Well getting inspired after a block was really hard to do I need to do a soul searching of sort kind of like that; and awaken the idea's that was sleeping in me.
I have my drawing materials in front of me, my papers, my pencil and erasers as well; all that was lacking was really the Pen Tablet that I really one if only I could get my hand on one of those even the most cheapest of them is fine to me.
Monster 064-Monbats
 The monster art was not the end of my drawings after all there are more what I want to draw as a long as I can hold a pencil and use the computer I will continue to draw because it was something that I love and I really hate to give up on my  dreams after all.
Que sera, sera whatever will be, will be; how much I want to say those words before because it feels like something that doesn't mind what was ahead of the future and do things the way you want.
Monster 065-Shadow Crawler
That's why I want to give it a shot, the reason why I draw monster arts because I don't care what others says as long as I enjoy what I do.

As long as well that there are who appriciates them I'll be so glad; because these drawings are representation of my idea's and imaginations.

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