Monster 056-Bug Queen |
Hi, everyone sorry again for late posting of my Monster Art well actually I already have something to post weeks ago but I just been so lazy to post it on my blog for several days and I completely forgot about it until I saw my drawings again as I said to myself that "I forgot to post my drawings!"; well I'm kinda off these days again, but oh well an idea or two will come again if I just look for inspiration, relax myself or even if I put my mind on it.
Well I really wish I have a pen tablet so I could draw in my computer more efficiently currently I'm using mouse to draw them, which is really hard to do for me; oh well I can still manage to draw a little so it might be fine but I still prefer to have a pen tablet.
Things will work out if I put mind on it so I don't really make it bother me, it will just make things a little bit easier as well but oh well I don't have the cash to buy one.
Monster 057-Queen Bee |
Monster Art was quite fun but as well as tiring as it really need to use your mind and let your imagination into the extreme level to came up with some good and interesting designs, so it really making me tired every now and then but I'm that people were looking at my designs so a part of it was paid off I think.
But I need to take care of my health flu season is in the air, and some of my family member caught them really hard so I need to be extra careful, so I can continue to draw; that's right I need to find some material to be used as an idea and inspiration for my next drawing as well gotta to research in the net later.
Monster 058-Sky Fish |
Monster 59-FungFung |
Really how many of them would I make until I was satisfied with the monster art concept of mine, there are so many monster drawing I want to do but I given a limited way of doing them; kinda frustrating but I need to use whatever software and hardware I have to do my hobby.
I hope I could do next batch of these one before November ends because I think it would take me awhile to finish some of them.
Well need to do some research and find materials for my drawings, so that I could do them right away; I have to concentrate and clear my mind of all the trouble and problem that really doesn't need to be think about really.
Monster 60-Parasite Egg |
I think I have something on my mind now and I just need to find the right materials for the idea I have in my mind so gathering all the necessary materials is a must.
Really it really just came in there I was thinking about those old rpg games I played before and then there it pop .
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