Yeah!!!, finally after so many days have pass after my last post, there was so many things I had to do so I been recently become busy; and tend not to work on my Photoshop, well I was asking my eldest brother to download me an Adobe Illustrator to help me in this hobby; yet I think he hasn't downloaded it, oh well, anyway somehow I manage to create something today, well the editing isn't quite good as I was in a rush to do this, so that I can have something to post on you guys. As a matter of fact my other hobby was to write story and I was doing both at the same time it was really hard to get something in the story so that's why I read so many kind of manga and manhwa to increase my plot as well as to know what I would like to do in my story; well it's kinda short but here is now my works:

This one comes from a manhwa that I like to read so much and that was Yureka, well There were only slight changes in this but I like how it looks the cool after effect a battle against a demon king; well in fact the reason behind why I get this one was because I think I can really use this one.
From the manhwa Id, well it was in the earliest chapter of the said series, but it was cool so I like the idea of this one cause it gives the vibes off kinda releasing a power.
This one is almost the same from the above yet I'm not that quite good at editing so there was something of in this picture and it was in the center actually haha well, It was there so there's nothing I can do.
Ah finally the last one well in this one good that's why I tried to edit it, it comes from Pysren; oh well what I like on this one was the back ground and they the surrounding was convey to the drawing. I was really quite good and nice, I hope there would be more of this.