Hello everyone; July is quite a special month for me and really this month I hope I could do more drawing's than before, but still there's no need to rush it would just lead into more troubling issue on the drawings like the quality as I'm not really that good on this either anyway, I just do what I can do the best and I'm quite happy with it but I still really quite envy those cool looking drawing by the others but instead of feeling regretful for lack of talent I used them a bench mark to improve myself (Although I think there's no room for improvement or maybe not?)
Finally done with another Character Concept, and I'm about to start on creating the next one although it might be done this week, but I would still do it and I'm having hard time on practicing on drawing different types of clothing although in the moment I was practicing male attire ranging from casual to armors.

Also I'm doing on some random characters arts but they were only bust like or just an outline on a paper, and I'm gonna post it as well here on my blog next time after I done with everything I do; there are still many things to draw but will I able to drew them all?
Well, need to take rest right now, my eyes were itching already; so this is my post for now the name of this character is Lourry, but this character was male although his name sound like a feminine it was the only name that time that came into my find before when I do the naming on the character when I was thinking of a name of this knight in the story I was writing on some other site.
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