Tuesday 12 May 2015

An easy its hard to mess this up :)

Today's drawing which I was supposed to do last night but I couldn't do it because  I feel so tired last night and I went to bed earlier than I used to do; but it fine it was able to refresh my mind a little and made me realize a new project.
Yup, you read it right guys I have a new idea of concept art it was not really that flashy or great idea it was just a whim idea that came to me; the new project would be a set of monster item loot concept art both drawn in the computer and some hand drawn  I'm making preparation for the hand drawn ones already.

Yesterday when I was researching for drawing materials and ideas on the net I noticed that there's almost nothing about monster drops or loots that's why I decided to make one in this blog for future reference if it  was necessary to do so.

I've collect enough data to make a set of drawing but I think I would probably do it later as I have some things pending to do my research materials for the story I was writing was  on a hang but I need to pick up my pace so maybe later and I need to broaden my drawing materials after all.

Well today's post was rather simple could be done in a second or so it was just that simple after all, but I guess I need to keep this short.

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